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Courage – strengths of action and will



Presenting yourself in an authentic way.

Why does honesty matter?

Honesty is about acting and speaking in ways that reflect what you really think and feel. Honesty is important as it enables us to live by our personal values and not compromise who we are for the sake of others.

Honesty is about living with integrity and making decisions that are true to who you are.

What does honesty look like?

Students with honesty might:

  • share their opinions in class discussions;
  • have clarity around their values;
  • make decisions based on their own values and not be influenced by others;
  • take responsibility for their actions.

Teachers with honesty might:

  • provide constructive feedback;
  • share their opinions and perspectives;
  • have consistent standards and high moral principles.

"Integrity is doing the right thing. Even when no-one is watching." 
C.S Lewis



Persisting towards goals despite challenges. Having grit.

Why does perseverance matter?

Perseverance is about having the ability to stay focussed on a goal even when challenges come your way. When you persevere, you know that working hard matters and that life is not always smooth sailing. People who persevere achieve their goals and complete tasks.

What does perseverance look like?

Students with perseverance might:

  • develop and deepen their interests through their time at school;
  • stick with commitments, even when it’s difficult;
  • not quit a sport in the middle of the season;
  • revise an essay repeatedly;
  • ask other people for feedback about how they can improve.

Teachers with perseverance might:

  • seek feedback on their classroom practice;
  • strive every day to do one small thing better than they did it yesterday;
  • set and track goals for their students’ achievement.



Living life with enthusiasm, energy and anticipation.

Why does zest matter?

Zestful people live life wholeheartedly. They approach tasks with enthusiasm and anticipation; and are vivacious and energetic. With zest, people enjoy things more and persevere to achieve challenging tasks.

It is rare for zestful people to do things half-heartedly- they are alive and activated. Zest is a character strength that is strongly correlated with life satisfaction and positivity. Zest is contagious and cultivates collaboration and positive relationships. 

What does zest look like?

Students with zest might:

  • motivate team members to achieve their goals;
  • live in the present and enjoy life;
  • be enthusiastic about their learning;
  • make learning fun. 

Teachers with zest might:

  • find meaning and purpose in their teaching;
  • be energetic and make learning enjoyable for their students;
  • be enthusiastic to try new things and get fully involved in school life.



Not shirking from threat, challenge, difficulty or pain. 

Why does bravery matter?

Bravery describes the willingness to rise up, speak up and confront difficult or threatening situations despite feeling vulnerability or fear. It is inevitable that we will feel some discomfort when moving out of our comfort zone. Bravery enables us to evaluate risks then trust the process and move forward anyway. When we are brave, we know we may fail or get hurt but that doesn't stop us showing up and facing adversity. Through bravery we learn and grow. 

What does bravery look like?

Students with bravery might:

  • participate in class discussions and offer their opinions;
  • try new activities and experiences;
  • speak out if they disagree with something. 

Teachers with bravery might:

  • try new ways of teaching their subject area;
  • be willing to speak out;
  • make a decision despite disagreement.