Sarah Templeton
23 October 2019

It was in English class at St Andrew’s College that Sarah developed a love of writing, which would go on to a fuel a dream of becoming a journalist. “I was lucky enough to have a series of amazing English teachers at St Andrew’s, who encouraged debate and opinion. I spent hours after school in Scholarship English, being pushed outside my comfort zone to hone my writing – something which was to become invaluable in the future.”
A journalism post-graduate degree secured Sarah her role as an online reporter for Newshub. Beginning as a rookie on the graveyard shifts before making her way into entertainment, Sarah continually pushed for Newshub to launch a lifestyle section. “It took two years and a lot of nagging, but finally we launched Newshub Lifestyle in May 2018.”
Now as the youngest editor in the newsroom, Sarah manages her corner of the Newshub site, while writing about food, wine, fashion, beauty, and parenting. “Not everyone can say they landed their dream job at 24. I’ve been able to work alongside some of the best journalists in the country, and am inspired and encouraged every day.”
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