Senior College
Kura Tuākana
St Andrew's College Senior College (Years 12 and 13) stands as a unique entity within the school, fostering learning, lifelong connections, and the essential skills preceding young adults' integration into society. Acknowledging the transition from dependence to independence to interdependence, in the Senior College we emphasise collaboration and respect for diverse perspectives as vital facets of adulthood. Our holistic curriculum addresses academic, athletic, cultural, spiritual, social, and recreational facets, moulding versatile individuals. Students are urged to excel across all endeavours, guided by teachers promoting personal accountability and leadership.
Our philosophy
We view students as unique individuals, fostering social responsibility in a co-ed environment, preparing them for life beyond school. Our comprehensive curriculum nurtures academic, sports, cultural, spiritual, social, and recreational growth, shaping well-rounded individuals. Encouraged to excel, students receive quality feedback and recognition, guided by teachers who instil personal responsibility and leadership. Supported by tutors and Deans, students cultivate self-discipline, motivation, and accountability, driving their academic and social advancement.

"It works extremely well with students having done a year of NCEA and then graduating to a separate facility. Having a separate building is a very distinctive and important element. A lot of schools do not have a common room for seniors at all, let alone having one as big as ours, and combining the final two year groups together."
John Ruge Head of Senior College
Our Leadership Team

John Ruge
Head of Senior College

Lucy Curtis
Year 12 Dean

Dayna Stirling
Year 13 Dean

Joining the Senior College
Although the majority of our Year 12 and 13 students are already enrolled at the College, we welcome a growing number of students moving to Senior College from other schools. Many are drawn to our Electives programme, which offers a wide range of exciting subjects not always available at other schools. Once a student has chosen St Andrew’s College, they will be challenged. We will stand behind them and provide them with every resource to reach excellence across the academic, sporting, and cultural arenas.

Preparing for life after school
We recognise that the years from ages 16–18 are vitally important, as students balance the challenges of adolescence with the skills and values necessary to develop. We provide opportunities for students of all abilities, interests, and backgrounds to develop fully as life-long learners. We help young people create healthy relationships with their peers and acquire the skills and values necessary to be the best they can be. Our vision is to build better people, for life.

Tutor group system
Tutors play a pivotal role in the College, acting as primary caregivers for students in their group, overseeing academic progress, co-curricular activities, and well-being programmes while sharing the school's vision. They establish connections with parents, serve as the first point of contact for student concerns, and relay information from other staff. The tutor system emphasises small group dynamics, regular interaction, and fostering a sense of belonging, aiming to connect students with caring adults, promote school values, and maximise their potential.

Well-being and pastoral care
Pastoral care at St Andrew’s College integrates academic, social, and religious aspects to cultivate a caring environment. It addresses student needs encompassing well-being, self-esteem, career guidance, spiritual development, moral growth, social skills, and academic progress. The system aims to connect each student with a supportive adult, promote well-being, and empower students to excel in the school community.
The Rentoul
Senior College Centre
The purpose-built Rentoul Senior College Centre was developed to provide a unique space for Years 12 and 13 students, enabling them to interact independently of younger students as they participate in their final two years of schooling and transition towards life after the College. This facility includes a large common room, café, lecture theatre, study areas, computer pod and personal storage lockers.

The Senior College curriculum
The core Senior College academic curriculum is comprehensive and is complemented by a huge variety of interesting subject options. Our programmes of study support the NCEA qualification framework. Talented and dedicated teachers, tutors, peer support leaders and study advisers from outside St Andrew’s are available to help your child achieve at the highest level possible in their course work and external NCEA examinations. High educational achievement is encouraged at all year levels in the Senior College. We purposefully keep class numbers smaller to enable our dedicated, highly skilled teachers to closely monitor students’ progress, provide optimum teaching and learning support, and extend their abilities.

Assessment and reporting
Assessment plays a significant part in our education system. The Fortnightly Feedback system allows teachers to regularly inform parents about their child's engagement and effort in learning. Using a simple 1–5 scale, students are rated based on their performance, with explanations provided for each score. This feedback supplements the formal academic reports and teacher meetings, ensuring open communication and addressing any concerns promptly in line with the school's 'no surprises policy'.
A Record of Achievement is an evolving document reflecting students' skill development across various learning experiences, serving as evidence of their competencies applicable to academic pursuits and beyond. It is distributed after the final report of the year, and for Year 11 students, after confirmation of all NCEA results. The document aims to heighten awareness of the learning process, foster reflection on personal growth, provide a platform for independent skill identification, aid in future planning, and serve as a comprehensive record of students' accomplishments, useful for interviews and career endeavours.

ACEE Gifted and Talented programme
Although there is no timetabled ACEE class in Years 11–13, students are monitored and provided opportunities to deepen their learning and experiences. From Year 11, there are opportunities to continue with philosophy, the Australasian Brain Bee Competition (neuroscience-based), Model United Nations, Model European Union and Senior Future Problem Solving. Gifted and talented senior students also have the opportunity for extension, enrichment, and acceleration within specific learning areas, such as English, Mathematics and Science. Higher level extension can be gained from New Zealand Scholarship examinations and/or enrolment in University of Canterbury STAR Programmes in Years 12–13.

Learning support
Our Learning Support team aims to aid students facing academic challenges, fostering growth in a nurturing environment. Led by qualified teachers, the program encompasses special education, extension programs, and counselling, nurturing self-esteem, and resilience. Tailored support includes reading, language, and study assistance, prioritised by individual needs. Services range from extension programs to decision-making support, emphasising independence and academic success.

Learning with technology
The vision for e-Learning at St Andrew’s College has the student at the centre of all learning and envisions learners who can connect confidently and actively in their community. We aim to produce responsible students who make informed decisions when using ICT in their learning. To support this vision, all students are required to bring their own laptop to school, selected from a range of recommended models. This environment where there is one computer of comparable functionality to each student is known as 1:1 Computing, which is different to the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programme.

Digital literacy
Digital Citizenship at St Andrew’s College comprises four strands which are embedded throughout the curriculum.

Electives programme
The Senior College Electives is a unique feature of St Andrew’s College. The programme provides students with the opportunity to study subject areas that will broaden their horizons but also offer invaluable insights into career paths and essential life skills. By participating, students gain the tools necessary for academic progression while also seizing the chance to explore novel interests and pursuits. The programme provides an opportunity for personal and intellectual growth, encouraging students to embrace the unfamiliar and expand their capabilities.

Careers education and transition
We prepare our students for life after school through our careers education and transition programme. The objective of this department is to assist students to make decisions at key transition points and supports their successful transition from school to further education or work. It also aims to develop the career management competencies which will equip students to manage their career pathways and opportunities throughout their lives.

Student leadership
We focus on nurturing skills and values essential for tomorrow's business and community leaders. There are many leadership opportunities in our Secondary School, with special roles in the Senior College like Heads of College, prefects, captains, Student Council leaders, and heads of various activities. Some roles involve peer and staff selection, while others require application and selection processes. True leadership transcends titles; it's about uniting people around a shared vision with humility, clarity, and courage. All Senior students are seen as leaders, understanding their responsibility as role models and ambassadors for the college beyond its gates.

Sports and Athlete Sports Performance Programme
The Secondary School provides an extensive array of sporting opportunities for students. Our sports programme is directed by our Director of Sport and Co-curricular activities, who ensures it reflects current trends, meets the needs of students, and provides a pathway for those students who want to achieve at the highest possible level.
Sport is compulsory in Years 9–12, and is highly encouraged in Year 13, as is participation in our annual athletic sports, swimming, and cross-country events. Students have the opportunity to attend inter-school sports competitions at local, regional and national level, plus take part in our annual sports exchange programme.
The Athlete Sports Performance programme for Years 11–13 is an innovative programme designed to cater for young sports people interested in developing their knowledge in what it takes to become a high-performing student athlete. This programme is an extension of the Years 9–10 Athlete Sports Development programme, where students involved have the opportunity to continue to apply knowledge with greater independence under the guidance of expert mentors.

Co-curricular cultural activities and clubs
At St Andrew’s, students can participate in everything from speech and drama, to dance, Highland dance, ballet, and music. Professional tuition in singing and a wide range of instruments is offered, with the opportunity for students to join our jazz and concert bands, choirs, barbershop groups, chamber groups, rock bands, and our internationally acclaimed Pipe Band.
Productions in the Senior College include large numbers of students in performance and behind the scenes roles and are among the many highlights on the cultural calendar, plus StAC Attack, Dance Revue, and FilmFest.

Castle Hill and beyond the classroom
For over 25 years, our Outdoor Education Programme has provided high-quality outdoor experiences. In the Senior College, outdoor adventure is incorporated into a life skills programme. In this course, students design their own expeditions (two per year). The Outdoor Programme also delivers leadership training to senior students via a three-day Peer Support camp, held in January. It gives Year 12 students the skills they need to support the new intake of Year 9 students. Our prefects and other student leaders undertake much of their specialist leadership training in the inspiring surroundings of Castle Hill.

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St Andrew’s College uniform is available exclusively from the College Shop, Thistles, and from our Second-hand Uniform Shop run by the PTA, both located on campus.

ERO Report
The latest ERO Report for the St Andrew's College was published in 2021.

Fees are reviewed each year, with careful consideration given to the factors and costs required to deliver the high-quality education the College delivers.
Contact Information
For further information please contact the College Registrar, Lynn Smith.