Wellington Function 2021

28 July 2021

Five Old Collegians at the Wellington function

Old Collegians at the Wellington function

On Thursday 10 June, the Wellington Old Collegians Cocktail Function was generously hosted by Jonathan Scragg (OC 1996) at the offices of Duncan Cotterill, Wellington, with a fantastic attendance. It was a wonderful event and very well represented by Old Collegians from 1962–2014. Our special guest was Head Boy of 2021, Jack Calder, who along with his father Paul (OC 1986), enjoyed meeting fellow Old Collegians from the region. Jack’s impromptu address to the group highlighted the importance of these gatherings, especially for the younger Old Collegians, to appreciate the rich history, connections, stories, and lifelong friends that come from attending St Andrew’s College. A big thanks to Jonathan, and Duncan Cotterill, for making this reunion possible.

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