Whare Taonga
From its earliest days, St Andrew’s College has recognised the importance of documenting and preserving its unique and treasured history. The College museum was started in 1921 with various articles being put on display in a glass case in a classroom. As the collection grew the museum found a new home in Strowan House, itself a heritage building.
Celebrating our past
Our collection varies from photographs and archival material art, literature, digital records, military records and artefacts that reflect our Scottish heritage.
It is a place of belonging for the College family, supporting lifelong connections with St Andrew’s.
As the College prepared for the Centenary celebrations in 2017, the Museum’s collections played an important role in acknowledging the College’s history. The new Museum builds upon the programme and collection established by former Curator, Jan Hampton, and is now maintained by Archivist and Curator Pip Dinsenbacher.

The Museum's
mission statement
The Museum’s purpose is to be the keeping place for the College’s history and traditions, an enduring point of engagement with College culture, and a source of pride for all of the College’s communities. The Museum aims to develop, document and care for a focused and relevant collection of taonga which reflects and promotes the culture of St Andrew's College.
We aim to deliver exhibitions and other programmes that celebrate the stories of St Andrew’s College and its communities to inspire present and future generations.

Behind the scenes
The College's Museum collection is made up of a range of materials, including textiles, precious metals, ceramics, paper, photographs and wood. Each item has specific requirements for optimal preservation storage. To ensure our treasures are cared for efficiently and will survive to be studied and enjoyed by future generations, the Museum’s storeroom has been completely refitted with state-of-the-art shelving, boxing and enclosures.
We are committed to our vision to create a leading school museum, which is sustainable and professionally managed to international standards, and, above all, is valued by our community.

If you have an item of interest you would like to discuss or donate to the St Andrew’s College Museum, please contact our co-ordinator, Pip Dinsenbacher.
Our Whakataukī
He waka
eke noa
We are all in this together

Life is Co-ed

Our Vision and Spirit

Old Collegians (Alumni)

Our People