2023 Gentlemen's Luncheon
17 October 2023

Old Collegian reunion group outside Strowan House
This year’s Gentlemen's Luncheon on Friday, October 13, was once again, a delightful and memorable event for our Old Boys. With a gathering of 114, spanning ages 73 through 96, the occasion was filled with warmth and nostalgia. The day began with morning tea in Strowan House, followed by a wander to the Centennial Chapel where Rector Christine Leighton extended a warm welcome, setting the tone for the day's festivities.
The guests were treated to various musical performances, including renditions by the boys Barbershop, an exceptional cello performance by Christine Jeon (Year 12), and an organ piece by guest organist Daniel Cooper. The event was not without its traditional elements, including a spirited rendition of the College Song, which further evoked a sense of camaraderie and school spirit.
Following the musical interlude, the attendees made their way back over the Turley Bridge to the dining room, where they enjoyed a feast of steak and kidney pie followed by sticky toffee pudding. We were welcomed by OCA Executive member Dr Greg Reynolds (OC 1973) who also was joined by his father Graham (OC 1949). The event also provided an opportunity to honour the milestone anniversaries of the Classes of 1958-1962 and 1953-1957.
Dr. Ron Jones (OC 1957) led the reading of the Grace, while Stuart Fox (OC 1962) delivered a heartfelt toast to absent friends, and Neil Thomson (OC 1957) raised a toast to the College. Barrie Hunt (OC 1950) regaled the attendees with humorous anecdotes from his school days and generously donated a copy of his memoirs to the College.
Overall, the Gentlemen's Luncheon was a wonderful occasion that not only allowed old friends to reconnect but also served as a vessel for preserving the rich history and traditions of the school, which has stood for over 106 years. The event fostered a sense of community and shared memories, making it a cherished annual tradition for our Old Boys.
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